2022 Surprise Partner Tournament

Mother Nature sent us quite a surprise for the Surprise Partner Tournament. Forty-four die-hard players braved the 20+ MPH winds and the cart path only conditions and still had great fun in what turned out to be a bright, sunny day. Debbie Ahlgren and her committee did a great job and the surprise package drawings were fun, too.
Tournament Winners were:
1st Place Jenny Blackwood and Barb Stamas
2nd Place Debbie Ahlgren and Deb Tornblom
3rd Place Kay Lair and Jennifer Bryan (in a scorecard
playoff with Sue Frisby and Dianne Dunn)

1st Place
Barb Stamas and Jenny Blackwood

2nd Place
Debbie Ahlgren and Deb Tornblom

3rd Place
Jennifer Bryan and Kay Lair
(in a scorecard playoff with Sue Frisby and Dianne Dunn)

Edna Adams and Dixie Randle began checking in participants at 7:45 am

Players turned their scorecards in to Scott Lindgren and Seth Glasco upon completion of their round

Debbie Ahlgren gave final instructions regarding the wet, soggy conditions before sending everyone out to the course

Surprise partners were revealed and the partners sat together for lunch

Raffle tickets were drawn and those chosen were instructed to stand behind a gift

The last name chosen was Joyce Redgrave (far right). She was able to pick any of the packages. Then everyone opened their gift. Joyce's gift was a giant Birdie Juice Flask!

The tournament committee headed by Debbie Ahlgren did an excellent job and everyone who played had a great time.
Pictured left to right:
Ann Sparks, Edna Adams, Debbie Ahlgren,
Dixie Randle and Kathy Chaffee