Hole in One Hall of Fame
Betty Detrich had her first Hole in One on our Wednesday Playday on July 10th. It occurred on Hole Number 12. Alas, Betty had not signed up for the Hole in One Pot so that remains for a future golfer to claim. Congratulations to Betty!
Betty Detrich
July 10, 2024


Debbie Ahlgren
July 7, 2021
Wren Lowery, (on left)
June 30, 2021

Bonnie Marpe
September 8, 2021

2021 was a banner year for Hole in Ones. After a four year drought the ladies of the FLWGA had FOUR this year.
Kaye Lair was the first player to get hers during the Summer Scramble Tournament, June 9th, on hole number 8. Shortly thereafter on June 30th on a Wednesday Play Day, Wren Lowery got hers on the same hole. Not to be outdone, Debbie Ahlgren also had a Hole in One on number 8 on July 7th. Bonnie Marpe put hers in the hole on number 5 during the Nine and Wine Exchange Scramble on September 8.
There is a four way split of the pot that hasn't been awarded since 2017. Congratulations to all of these ladies!

Kaye Lair
June 9, 2021
There were two Holes in One that occurred during 2017. Ann Sparks and Becky Rice each got one splitting the pot that year. Ann's Hole in One was on hole number 5, while Becky got hers on hole number 8.

Ann Sparks
August 16, 2017
Becky Rice
September 20, 2017

Rosemary Calderon got her Hole in One on hole number 8 on July 16, 2014. This was the first year of the Hole in One Club pot.

Rosemary Calderon
July 16, 2014
Ann Cray was the first woman to get a Hole in One on a Wednesday Play Day. It was on hole number 14, which is now number 5 after the golf course changed the numbering on the course. Ann's Hole in One occurred on July 15, 2009.
Ann Cray
July 15, 2009

We would like to honor all FLWGA members who have had a Hole in One during an official FLWGA event (Play Day, Tournament or Exchange). Please submit information of others to FLWGA Vice President (contact information available through the Member Portal).