2022 Summer Scramble

The 2022 Summer Scramble was held June 8th on a hot, windy day. The all Par 3 Scramble was a huge success with 72 golfers signed up to play. A wonderful lunch was served at the Village Center, Ballroom E following the conclusion of play.
Wren Lowery and her committee put on a great tournament. Thank you to all of them for their hard work.
Winning teams were:
1st Place: Sue Miller, Becky Davis, Susan Shearer, Deb Ahlgren (scorecard playoff)
2nd Place: Becky Rice, Dixie Randle, Judy Merritt, Dana Aupperle
3rd Place: Kathy Chaffee, Myrna Flick, Julie Francis
4th Place: Elizabeth Grubb, Barbara Omara, Nancy Dean, Ann Brabant
5th Place: Vicki Flood, Polly Webb, Barbara Pickleman, Jean Clinton
Closest to the Pin Winners were Jenny Blackwood, Ann Brabant and Sheryl Ransome

Thanks to Scott Lindgren for being our official scorer.

Thanks to Wren Lowery, pictured on the left, for chairing the Summer Scramble. Great job, Wren!