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Kathy Stillwell

July 2, 1949 - August 20, 2020
Our FLWGA would not be the success it is today without the hard work and expertise of several women throughout the years. This month, we are shining our spotlight on one of those special ladies, Kathy Stillwell.
Kathy and her husband, Gary, moved to Frisco Lakes in 2014. The following golf season she served as our Golf Director. As such, she initiated the Big Sister/Little Sister program, which paired a new golfer with a more seasoned one. The “older” golfer would be available to mentor, answer questions or help the “newbie” throughout the year.
That same year, Kathy revised our FLWGA procedures. She wrote and published our first Handbook and introduced the 18-hole “Relaxed” play option and the popular Eclectic Tournament, (which the MGA later adopted). She also chaired the Member/Guest, published the “Rule of the Week” on our website and revised the ringer card.
The year 2016 saw her as the Rules Coordinator, and in 2017 she became the President of our Association. She also chaired the 9-hole Tournament that year. She served as Past President the following season and, once again, Rules Coordinator.
Kathy has played golf for over 30 years and has broken 80 twice. She is also the owner of two Hole-in-One titles. She and Gary have enjoyed many nationwide courses as well as worldwide. Oh, and did I mention she is a fantastic cook and baker...famous for her “Almost Healthy Muffins”!
Kathy’s love of golf is so very evident in all she has accomplished for FLWGA. Her kindness and graciousness is incomparable. Our mere “thank you” does not seem adequate.
Kathy Stillwell, truly deserving of our “Spotlight “.