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BYLAWS DESCRIPTION:   In the absence of the President or in the event of her inability or refusal to act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of President, and when so acting shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President.  She shall also be responsible for publicity, the FLWGA website, and software.


DUTIES shall include but not be limited to: 


As Website Administrator: 

  • Responsible for managing,  maintaining and utilizing FLWGA’s website on and  Golf Software's various modules (both the front (public) and the back (private) pages. 

    • Arranges for payment of any fees related to implemented systems, including Golf Software and the FLWGA domain. 

  • Maintains appropriate levels of communication with Golf Software staff, to ensure that the website is up to date and issues are easily resolved. 

  • Ensures that training on the appropriate functions is held on a regular basis for the general membership on sign ups and cancellations, as well as for board members and event/playday chairs, according to the level of responsibility for their functions. 

  • Supports Golf Committee Members on appropriate software functions:

    • Work with Golf Director and Playday Coordinators to ensure they are trained on the accurate posting of playdays, managing sign ups and pairings

    • Works with Golf Director and Chairs to ensure accurate posting of events, registrations, pairings and/or printing scorecards as appropriate for each event

    • Works with Handicap Coordinator to ensure the updating and transfers of handicaps into Tournament Manager software

    • Troubleshoots on technical issues

PREFERRED SKILLS:   Good experience with computers and software.  Familiarity with the basics of website maintenance.


TOOLS NEEDED:   Computer or laptop with internet access (preferably Windows-based)


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